Geeks and their Toys

I’m hooked. I’m an addict and I admit it.

It all began about one year ago when I caught my first episdode on PBS. Since then, I’ve sought out and watched each episode of Dr. Who (the modern series, that is).

And now I’ve found the perfect geek toy:

The Sonic Screwdriver!

Sonic Screwdriver

Okay… now I’m a real twit

I’ve just started using twitter (@cfeagans), and it seems interesting so far. Playing around with the new version of Ubuntu (Hardy Heron) and re-installing some of the apps and extensions I had before. It includes the new version of Firefox as one of its packages, which seems a bit quicker and less memory intensive. Apparently FF3 doesn’t pre-cache pages, which created a large memory footprint for FF2. Many of my old extensions no-longer work though. I miss my Blue Ice theme and some others, but so far no real regrets.

Poison ivy is killig my left hand at the moment, so not a lot of typing or blogging will happen in the next day or so… It’s killing me, too, since I’m feeling an urge to tackle some of the writing projects I’ve been thinking of recently and blogging on some archaeology and pseudeoscience topics. I’ve actually started a book on pseudoscience that discusses the kooks, cranks and nuts I’ve personally encountered on the web. I’m thinking of publishing direct to Kindle or Lulu (or both). If anyone has suggestions/tips regardng either, my ears are open.

Or, if anyone as tips on how to get rid of a poison ivy rash fast I’m also listening!